Monday, June 16, 2014

Time to Tinker

Time to Tinker...and READ!

So far, the makerspace has been a huge success! What has been the most surprising is how focused the students have been. I've had about 35 to 40 students each day, this week--and not one behavior problem during making/tinkering time. Students are free to go from station to station, and because they are interested in what they're doing they stay on task--what a concept, right?
I've also been impressed with how students are willing to help each other clean up the makerspace--and believe me, at the end of a making session--there's a lot to clean up!

Literacy Connection

Each day this week, students have had time to browse in the library and  read on their own. There has also been a daily story time--I've tried to find read alouds that inspire creativity. The books we've read so far are: The Day the Crayons Quit, by Drew Daywalt, The Raft, by Jim LaMarche, and The Girl in the Castle Inside the Museum, by Kate Bernheimer & Nicoletta Ceccoli.
Students used Legos to create castles and other structures.

A student created some of the characters from the book The Raft.

More castles built out of recycled materials.

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