Thursday, September 7, 2017

Highlights from 2016-2017

Time Flies When You're Being Creative!

The last year was spent doing our thing in the Wooldridge Library Makerspace. There were lots of stories and connecting making to literacy. We had time to tinker and create freely--and, we even took a field trip to the Thinkery! Authors came to visit us--and we did what we do best--we made them cool stuff! We had fun sharing the book Wonder with Lanier High School students and creating a representation of a precept in the makerspace. At the end of the year we had an amazing surprise--we were awarded a grant of $6000 from Austin Ed Fund to spend on new tools and materials for our makerspace! So, take a walk down memory lane--the best is yet to be made here at Wooldridge!

Structures, Ozobots, Legos, and BeeBots!

Perler bead fun.

Our Maker Mornings were quite the hit! Always a full house. 

Students enjoying our annual Maker Mania literacy event at Lanier HS.

Duncan Tonatiuh shared his work with us!

3rd Grade created stop motion movies using 3D figures for a math connection.

Nikki Loftin visited us and shared wonderful stories!

MakeyMakey fun!

Texas Regions map making

Wonder party with 5th graders and Lanier HS students

Making Things Happen in the Wooldridge Library Makerspace!

See what we have been up to in the Wooldridge Library Makerspace!

*Family Maker Night--with help from MakerReady!

*Fun with MakeyMakey and musical fruit!

*Building cars to race down a ramp!

*Parents and kiddos working together to build and create!

 *The creativity was flowing!

*Students tried out the wind tunnel with all sorts of parachutes.

*Construction and more MakeyMakey music!

The Lego table was a hit!

Teachers, students, and parents working together!

*Students created stop motion movies.